Some of you may know Jeanne Lottie as a supporter of causes like Breast Cancer through out past Pink Bedroom Party events, but we are also strong supporters of other causes and charities that we hold dear.
A recent article by Teresa Kruze that appears in the monthly newsletter for the Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness highlights one issue that’s dear to our designer Jane Ip’s heart. The CCAA has been helping survivors of sexual abuse both men and women, children and adults since it’s foundation in 1993. You may have seen its recent print campaign in Toronto’s subways with the tagline “Abuse Hurts.”
Jane tells Teresa Kruze about seeing the impact of her donations in kind (shoes, and bags) on women who are in need of a new wardrobe to support the new lives they are forging for themselves as survivors of abuse. We greatly admire the strength of these women who have the courage to speak up about an issue that often gets swept under the carpet because it’s so taboo.
Along with Jane’s interview, the March issue of Abuse Hurts features a touching personal story from a young survivor. It’s a peek inside a world that’s normally very private, and personal with good reason. Aside from putting a face to the cause, the CCAA does much of its work by supporting shelters and agencies across the country that house victims of abuse. And though the organization’s reach is nation-wide, its funding comes solely from the generosity of private donors, both individual and corporate. They regularly hold auctions and sales through their website as fundraisers. Jeanne Lottie is proud to support the CCAA and the work that it does.
To find out more about the Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness, go to their website, or have a glance at their March Newsletter, where you can also read about Jeanne Lottie’s contribution to the cause.